it’s already February ٢٠١٠. Makan News
The new year arrived with two artists in residence, Saba Innab and Tom Bogaert
( stay tuned to there latest news )
Ola and Diala are back from their voyage exploring Latin America and the Pacific Islands, their activities are documented in previous blogs, today, alongside Samah, the team is developing a new structure in Makan and embarking on new adventures. Furthermore, our team is expecting a new member to join soon: Ahmad Ameen – hello Ahmad.
Also we would like to welcome the designer Amin Mousa who comes from very far away land
After almost two years as part of Makan team, Rafique is moving on to explore new horizons, we will miss you and remember: once a Makan team member always a Makan team member.
Makan learned throughout the past few months that although change may often be difficult but it is always good. Change brings new perspectives and encourages hidden potentials and alternative skills.