Maha Maamoun is an Egyptian artist who lives and works in Cairo. She primarily works with photography and video. She has visited Amman twice before, firstly as an artist participating in Meeting Points 4, where her work Domestic Tourism I, a series of Light boxes, was exhibited at Makan in 2004. Her second visit was on 2007 as assistant curator for Meeting Points 5. Her current residency at Makan is in the framework of the upcoming exhibition Momentarily Learning from Mega-Events, curated by Ala Younis. Maamoun is a founding board member of the Contemporary Image Collective (CiC), an art space in Cairo.

مصرية تستخدم الصورة الثابتة والمتحركة في أعمالها. وقد زارت مها عمان مرتين من قبل: مرة كفنانة مشاركة في مهرجان نقاط لقاء لعام ٢٠٠٤، حيث
شاركت بمجموعة صور "سياحة داخلية". أما زيارتها الثانية فكانت في عام ٢٠٠٧ كمنسق فني مساعد في النسخة الخامسة من مهرجان نقاط لقاء. وتأتي زيارتها الحالية في إطار مشاركتها في معرض "تعلم لحظي من أحداث جسام"، تنسيق الاء يونس، والمقام في مكان. مها عضو مؤسس لمركز الصورة المعاصرة (CiC) بالقاهرة - مساحة للفنون المعاصرة.

When asked about a defining moment in his life, Amsterdam-based artist Mo Reda would always go back to being born in Kuwait and growing up there under unusual circumstances. Having been born to parents of Iraqi nationality, Mo was suddenly branded as an unwelcome ‘other’ at the outbreak of the 1990 Gulf War. Despite being an ‘enemy’, he was also seen as a friend and victim because of his Kurdish background. 

Mo felt that he and his family transformed from being victims to invaders simply because of their passports. Within one year, he had shifted between being a friend, victim, and enemy to his place of birth. Despite all this, he felt that he was still the same person.

In his works, he explores several issues: the show of strength and power versus powerlessness; perpetrator/victim positioning and identity; the physically and emotionally violent nature of man, and; the perception of identity and identification. There are very strong connections between these interests and Mo Reda’s personal background.


Mohammaed will be in Makan from April 23rd till June 23 2012

