t-jassad: an ongoing public intervention project

May 1, 2014 - 00:00 to December 1, 2014 - 00:00

ArtTerritories at Makan in collaboration with social activist and community facilitator Sally Shalabi are pleased to announce the launch of their new project, T-Jassad.


T-Jassad plans to create a series of t-shirts that playfully instigate performances and situations around gender politics in public spaces in Amman. Our core group consisting of: Abdel Rahman Abu Shmeis, Aysha Shamayleh, Mohammad Al Nasser, Rawan Zeine, Razan Mbaideen and Yamen Omer, have been keeping very busy with constant weekly intensive meet ups at Makan. This collaborative project has an explorative fieldwork research process, public program and publishing component.

Our first public program of T-Jassad will take place on June 21st.   Abdullah Khasawneh and Omar Al Zobi will initiate a conversation around gender and language looking at gendered expression within Arabic urban fashion and its use of colloquial Arabic. Come join the conversation and be part of T-Jassad.

This project is supported by Arts Collaboratory