romeo gongora - guatemala/canada
No title (performance)| A Bedouin family | A shepherd | 3 goats | 1 donkey | A Bedouin tent | Mattresses and pillows | Tea pot and glasses | Tea, sugar and mint | Wood to make a small fire to boil the tea | A dress, pants and headdress | Find a Bedouin family living near Shatana, visit them and get to know their life. Hang out with a shepherd and learn his ways. Then purchase a dress, pants and headdress (a typical Bedouin outfit) and spend the rest of the week wearing these clothes until they become you. On the open day, put up a tent, furnish it with mattresses and pillows, make a small fire to boil water and invite people into your home for tea and to add to the scene, rent 3 goats and 1 donkey.